Itinerary: Altipiano di Musiera, Malga Pozza, Lavoschietto, Monte Pasubio, Musiera Alta, Altipiano di Musiera
download gpx routeItinerary: Altipiano di Musiera, Malga Pozza, Lavoschietto, Monte Pasubio, Musiera Alta, Altipiano di Musiera
download gpx routeRoute #8 One of our Bike Manager Daniele’s favourite routes! It mainly consists of mule tracks and wood roads and will let you discover the exciting scenarios of the World War I. The Peace Path is the main attraction: it’s a magnificent single trail descending from 2.000 m als on the Vezzena plateau to the wonderful Levico and Caldonazzo lakes. Difficulty: averageLength: 18,5 kmDrop: 1.035 m |